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Stage 2 Biology Wiki



Course Outline



FAQ - note: you can ask questions on any page. Just add a comment in the comment box below.

However, you can also give some feedback. Go to the Feedback Page.

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Details of the course:

Click on one of the links below to view information on that aspect of the course.

Alternatively, use the "sidebar" on the right to view a particular Key Idea eg M1.

When on a page, click on "Edit page" to add information.

(Note: I am currently updating the video links which now don't work with Pbworks - be patient, it will take a while. GC)


Section 1: Macromolecules (all video links updated Oct 2012 except M4 and M5)

                    (Macromolecules Prezi is here)


Section 2: Cells (all page links checked on 20/5/10)

                    (Part 1 of Cells Prezi now available)

                    (Part 2 of Cells Prezi now available)

Section 3: Organisms (all page links checked on 9/6/10 - well mostly)

                    (Part 1 of Organisms Prezi now available)

                    (Part 2 of Organisms Prezi now available)


Section 4: Ecosystems

                    (Ecosystems Prezi now available)


Section 5: Practicals (all page links checked on 9/3/10)


Section 6: Essays (Exam Style and Human Awareness: all page links checked on 9/6/10)


Section 7: Exams (all page links checked on 9/6/10)



General Resources:

Welcome to Biology!


Go to the Background Chemistry page for help understand some of the early topics in Macromolecules.


Check this site for an amazing animation of the insides of a cell! 


This is an interesting site: Biology Questions and Answers. A huge range of questions about Biology - who has the time to do this?


(new!) What about this! A web site with 1200 educational videos and some of these are about Biology! Woot-woot!


This site is called Biology On-Line. It has Forums, a Dictionary and Tutorials in it. If you ask the right questions, somebody might be stupid enough to do your homework for you - but you wouldn't do that because I WILL FIND OUT!

There is another site that has plenty of useful information in the form of a number of multiple choice questions and tutorials if you don't know the answer.  It is called the Biology Project.

Here is another site that is like a Biology text book or reference book.  It is called the On-Line Biology Book.

This site is interesting. It is called Biology Questions (and Answers). It simply has around 1800 questions and answers about Biology. Good for a quick reference.

Check out this site called Science Video Resources. It is by a teacher of Biology (amongst other things) from Indonesia. If you can't find what you want on this site - you are not looking hard enough!



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