
Exam Hints





In the final paper there will be 25 of this type of question. Many students find these particularly difficult and see them as a real stumbling block to improving their test marks. Here are some ideas that will be useful in improving your performance.


Work on these truths!



Students get multiple choice questions wrong for a variety of reasons and so there is no magic that will make you an expert overnight. The main reasons for the selection of wrong choices seem to be:



If you work through a consistent pattern and approach to your questions you are better off making the best informed decision and sticking with it. Many students often find themselves with time left at the of the paper and start doubting their original choices, making impulsive changes. They often regret these decisions.


If some multiple choice questions are difficult and take too long, leave them until the end of the paper and then return to them if you have time. This will also give your subconscious time to think it through properly.


Remember, put into perspective, each question is worth 2 marks out of 200.


The multiple choice questions come in several types and different orders of difficulty. Some are strictly memory recall of the content of the course; others involve reading a small section and require you to apply the concepts you have learnt, whilst the more difficult questions require you to analyse data or to evaluate material presented.


Take care with the memory recall questions. Some students rush these, thinking they are straightforward compared to the more difficult ones.

You should spend about 40 minutes on the multiple choice questions in the paper. There are worked examples of different types in Biology Essentials.


This site might give you more ideas about how to answer this style of question.


Here is another site with some examples - it includes other study techniques.




In answering these questions there are several points that can help in your responses.


Here are a few sensible suggestions:



In reading through the question you should be looking for several things:


What type of question is it?


What is the question asking?



This is now part of Sections A and B of the exam but still require special skills.

You may be asked questions on the following:










Control Experiments



Results Table


















More ideas will be added later but here is a start:


Mind-mapping:  This site takes you through the steps to effectively mind map from scratch.